In the face of death!

A close friend of mine, recently passed on from this life to his heavenly reward. Only until a few months ago, dear Paul was a happy, enthusiactic, fun loving dad with a beautiful family who adored him immensely.

His two young lads, both talented musicians, determined to follow in their’s father’s foot steps while his beautiful wife, a gifted singer herself, added a touch of elegance to this blessed family.

Amazing how the dynamics of life can change so quickly. One moment we feel like we are going to live a hundred years and in an instant we find death knocking at the door.

Paul, my friend accepted his lot graciously. He decided to record his thoughts, feelings and insights, so that others can one day benefit from the legacy he would leave behind. Infact, he left us with a heart touching album of spirit filled songs link to which i hope to soon share.

Here’s a little missive i felt led to share wirh him exactly 3 days before he left us. He quickly responded that he was happy to hear from me and was greatly encouraged by my take on death.

Paul, ive had several encounters with you during your younger days, from those Hauskaz Delhi meetings to a 5 hr bus trip once in South India. You might not remember but i learnt the C9 chord from you. Tks! These special moments i will always remember and treasure.

Like many others, ive been reading your posts and have been spiritually nourished by them. Please keep churning them out as they are immensely edifying.

I had a significant experience in Nov of 2009 which i feel led to share with you.

Due to some mitral heart-valve complications, my breathing got hindered, and i woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air! It felt like one feels when they are drowning!

I had been warned of this possibility by my cardiologist in Finland, but i neglected and instead returned to India.

Sitting up in bed and unable to breathe, I thought, “This is it! In a few mins, my brain will shut down and I’ll be gone!. The panic of imminent death engulfed me momentarily till i prayed, and which i often do now, “Lord, im.scared, how do i react?”

In an instant, as1Thes 5:18 flashed across my mind, i heard Him gently say, “Praise me!” I was like, “Lord, I’m dying, and you want me to praise you?” “Yes”, He confirmed and thankfully i yielded.

I immediately started focusing on the wonderful life He had given me: abundant supply, beautiful family, children, grandchildren, amazing friends and well-wishers, coincidences, miracles, the list kept going as my heart filled with praise and thanksgiving.

Then He said, “Thank me audibly.”

My dear wife was sleeping soundly beside me, so all i could do was loudly whisper, “Thank you Jesus for the woderful life i’ve had!” Next, He said, ” Lift up your hands as well in praise.” I flung my hands up with a “Thank you Jesus, im dying!”

As my hands raised in praise, i felt a blast of air rush into my lungs! i was able to take a massive breath, just like when one come out from underwater and can finally suck in air!

Then another breath and the next i was breathing again normally!

In that moment, i learnt that “praise” is one of the most powerful weapons we have at our disposal, even in the face of death! I eventually had an open heart surgery and my heart has been pumping fine for the last 16 years!

Paul, your positive attitude and musings have been a great inspiration to me and I know to several others. I hope you can compile them all into a book so many can be blessed.

My humble prayet is that the Lord continues to bless and keep you and make you a blessing to many. In Jesus’s name, Amen!