Why Walk? – Fly!

“I do not have a fat bank account, I drive an old car and my wife is not the current Miss Finland. Yet, should Gallup produce a list of the ‘happiest and most contented’ people on this planet, I would ask that they stick my name close to the very top!”

100% of the proceeds from the sale of this book go directly to our global humanitarian efforts.

Coincidental Encounters ... OR Miracles? You Decide!

Hellfire vs Heaven

With an air of superiority the priest exclaimed, ‘I have been studying theology for as long as you’ve been alive, and you have the audacity to talk to me about religion?!'

Horror Express Turns Paradise

I pushed and struggled with all my might, but the human shield confronting me was impenetrable! My world stood still as the guard tightened the grip on his baton. 'I’ll throw you off from the moving train!’ Life is cheap in India. I wasn't going to take my chances!

Finding Jimmy

I watched as his mother grasped and cradled him in her arms. Would it be the last time? His father sobbed bitterly. How I wished with all my heart that I could have offered some kind of comfort to them. But what did I know of these things? I was only eighteen!

Visitor from Heaven

It was my 21st birthday. I watched as they slid my 19 year old wife's body off the stainless steel stretcher. It was the first time in my life I saw the inside of a mortuary and faced the smell of formaldehyde. ‘No mother to care for our 8 month old baby girl. How will I manage?’ I sobbed bitterly to myself.

Plane Crash

An hour or so into the flight, I felt a nudge in my heart prompting me to talk to the pilot of the aircraft. Thinking these were my own thoughts, I brushed them aside. I was cozily seated, enjoying the flight and had no desire whatsoever to move...

Marry Me!

‘She is going to be your wife!’ I felt the Spirit say. A close friend shook his head in disbelief, ‘She barely even knows you; you must be getting frustrated being single.’ Undaunted, I wrote…You don’t know me, nor do I know you! But…do you want to marry me?

Heart Adventures

After the regular ECGs, ultrasounds and blood tests, my doctor looked at me soberly. ‘Your mitral valve is severely leaking. This can be fatal; we will have to operate immediately.’

Raise the Dead?!

‘How are the patients?’ I finally inquired. Barely allowing me to finish my sentence, she mumbled, ‘ After you prayed for them last week, they all died! First time that something like this has happened!’ I was taken aback! Was she was accusing me of killing them?

My Father is Rich

Mechanical Prayer

Elephant to the Rescue

Viking Line

Pearl in the Tsunami

Dead Man Pays Back

Thief Returns Cash

The crook in Mumbai with sleight of hand and staged confusion had cheated me of 280 Euros! I could have kicked myself for being such an idiot! With 1000's of taxi drivers at Dadar railway station, what were the odds of getting the street children's money back?!

Signs: Orlando

Ghost Chasers

West Gate Terrace

Magical Prayer

Wiser Than Solomon

Joaquim Barretto

“Now that you have met me, your life will never be the same again!”

Joaquim and his Finnish wife Tuula have spent the last 40+ years on a mission to help people improve their lives. Be it impoverished children on the streets of India in need of basic education, successful business leaders with deals gone wrong, or those who have spent years in therapy without the major breakthroughs needed. Joaquim and Tuula believe that miracles are possible for anyone! Be it the sick, depressed, poor, heart-broken, or whatever the case may be, these true stories are being shared to remind you that miracles are your birthright and that with just a simple leap of faith, you have the power to turn your life around!

Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, you cannot even imagine the things which God has prepared for those that love Him.” – The Bible

Stories About…


Welcome to the world where anything really is possible! That has been my experience and as you read these stories, I hope that your belief in the impossible will be inspired too.


Do we live in a hostile universe or a friendly one? Are the events in these stories random or supernatural? Read them and decide for yourself.


Recognize that love is who you are so that you can create a life filled with the love you imagine possible - that is the greatest love story ever told.

Latest News.

All I can say is wow. Just wow. It’s intense…a lot to take in. It almost feels like a movie. I’m sure you’ve already considered that…?

Jennifer Lopez

I read the first three stories! Overall, it’s very beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing this with me! That’s so amazing that you’re doing this. Really – I admire you for this.

Website looks amazing! You guys are awesome and inspiring! I’m learning about how to manifest as I still have a lot of worrying about money and whether this is going to be successful, etc. But I have sooo much to be grateful for, a year ago at this time in the year, my life was miserable and I wanted to die. This year I have everything I have ever asked for and doing exactly the thing that I spent so long wondering what it would be like to do.

Site looks really good!

God bless you and your family always.

There were so many questions, I wanted to ask you as to your various encounters, and how you managed. I am sure all that is in the book. You surely put your hands in the plough, never looking back. That’s the kind of faith we need to move in action.

Good morning, dear Sir! Thank you for the lovely discussions and your prayer yesterday! When you love a lot, you inspire people to love. I feel inspired. And I need that, because due to mistreatment, my heart has been filled with both love and hate, hate because of the mistreatment, not hate towards my ex but mostly towards the misguided judicial system, judges who do wrong without understanding. You are blessed and a blessing to children. Angel is, in my view, a wonderful person also. I am delighted to meet people with a lot of love and good aspirations in their hearts! All the best to you and your wife and children!

Guess what, Z is reading the chapters, I know God is going to touch his heart as well. He needs to be surrounded by Godly friends and I hope he gets to meet you.

I can’t but wait to buy your book, and ask for your autograph! Nothing is impossible to those who trust in Him.

Joaquim, Both Ch3 and 4 brought tears to my eyes. At 18 and so young, you endured so much hardship, the train experience and then staring at the face of death so courageously. Joaquim, God was certainly with you every step of the way. Your simple obedience to serve Him goes to show how fearless and bold you were at that age. Both the chapters are so well written.

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